Mary Queen of Scots, A Chronology

8 December; Mary Stuart is born in Linlithgow Palace
14 December; James V, King of Scots, Mary’s Father, dies at 31

Mary Crowned Queen of Scots

January; King Henry VIII of England dies
March; King Francis I of France dies
September; Scots defeated by English forces
New French King, Henry II, sends troops and money to Scotland
Mary is betrothed to Henry II’s heir Francis, dauphin of France

August; Mary sent to France; Mary aged 5

Mary’s mother, Marie of Guise, visits her in France

Mary of Guise is officially named regent in Scotland

15 year old Mary marries 14 year old Francis dauphin of France
Queen Mary I of England (Bloody Mary) dies and Elizabeth Tudor becomes Queen

Death of King Henry II of France; Francis and Mary are crowned King and Queen of France

June; Marie of Guise passes away in Scotland
December; Mary’s husband, Francis, passes away

Mary returns to Scotland; Mary aged 18

Mary’s northern campaign and visit to Inverness; Mary aged 19

Mary visits Inveraray, Dunure Castle, Dumfries, and Peebles; Mary aged 20

Mary hunts near Blair Atholl, Tayside; Mary aged 21

Mary marries her 19 year old cousin Henry Stewart, Lord Darnley; Mary aged 22

Mary’s secretary, David Riccio is murdered
Mary’s first child born (James later King of Scotland and England); Mary aged 23

Mary’s husband Lord Darnley is murdered
Mary weds James Hepburn, the 30 year old Earl of Bothwell
The Carberry Hill confrontation
Mary is imprisoned in Lochlevin Castle, Scotland
Mary’s 1 year old son James is crowned as James VI of Scotland
Mary either miscarries or has a stillborn baby while in prison at Lochlevin; Mary aged 24

Mary escapes Lochlevin; Battle of Lanside, Glasgow
Mary flees to England; Mary aged 25

 1568 to 1587
Mary is held captive in various English prison castles; Mary aged 25-44

Elizabeth exonerates Mary from the charges made against her; Mary aged 26

Mary’s third husband, the Earl of Bothwell, aged 41, dies in a prison in Denmark; Mary aged 35

Mary writes Essay on Adversity in prison; Mary aged 37

The Babbington Plot is executed and fails
Mary is tried for conspiring to kill Elizabeth; Mary aged 43

On February 8, Mary is executed for treason in Fotheringhay Castle, Northamptonshire

Queen Elizabeth I dies in March and Mary’s son JamesVI of Scotland becomes James I of England. He is the first King of both Scotland and England. He moves his mother’s body to Westminster Abbey and has a grand monument built. 

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