♕ 1542
8 December; Mary Stuart is born in Linlithgow Palace
14 December; James V, King of Scots, Mary’s Father, dies at
Mary Crowned Queen of Scots
♕ 1547
January; King Henry VIII of England dies
March; King Francis I of France dies
September; Scots defeated by English forces
New French King, Henry II, sends troops and money to
Mary is betrothed to Henry II’s heir Francis, dauphin of
August; Mary sent to France; Mary aged 5
♕ 1550
Mary’s mother, Marie of Guise, visits her in France
♕ 1554
Mary of Guise is officially named regent in Scotland
♕ 1558
15 year old Mary marries 14 year old Francis dauphin of
Queen Mary I of England (Bloody Mary) dies and Elizabeth
Tudor becomes Queen
♕ 1559
Death of King Henry II of France; Francis and Mary are
crowned King and Queen of France
♕ 1560
June; Marie of Guise passes away in Scotland
December; Mary’s husband, Francis, passes away
♕ 1561
Mary returns to Scotland; Mary aged 18
♕ 1562
Mary’s northern campaign and visit to Inverness; Mary aged
♕ 1563
Mary visits Inveraray, Dunure Castle, Dumfries, and Peebles;
Mary aged 20
♕ 1564
Mary hunts near Blair Atholl, Tayside; Mary aged 21
♕ 1565
Mary marries her 19 year old cousin Henry Stewart, Lord
Darnley; Mary aged 22
♕ 1566
Mary’s secretary, David Riccio is murdered
Mary’s first child born (James later King of Scotland and
England); Mary aged 23
♕ 1567
Mary’s husband Lord Darnley is murdered
Mary weds James Hepburn, the 30 year old Earl of Bothwell
The Carberry Hill confrontation
Mary is imprisoned in Lochlevin Castle, Scotland
Mary’s 1 year old son James is crowned as James VI of
Mary either miscarries or has a stillborn baby while in
prison at Lochlevin; Mary aged 24
♕ 1568
Mary escapes Lochlevin; Battle of Lanside, Glasgow
Mary flees to England; Mary aged 25
♕ 1568 to 1587
Mary is held captive in various English prison castles; Mary
aged 25-44
♕ 1569
Elizabeth exonerates Mary from the charges made against her;
Mary aged 26
♕ 1578
Mary’s third husband, the Earl of Bothwell, aged 41, dies in
a prison in Denmark; Mary aged 35
♕ 1580
Mary writes Essay on Adversity in prison; Mary aged
♕ 1586
The Babbington Plot is executed and fails
Mary is tried for conspiring to kill Elizabeth; Mary aged 43
♕ 1587
On February 8, Mary is executed for treason in Fotheringhay
Castle, Northamptonshire
♕ 1603
Queen Elizabeth I dies in March and Mary’s
son JamesVI of Scotland becomes James I of England. He is the first King of
both Scotland and England. He moves his mother’s body to Westminster Abbey and
has a grand monument built.
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